Text:   Zeichner: Gretel Lusky

Wayfinder: The Art of Gretel Lusky

Wayfinder: The Art of Gretel Lusky
Wayfinder: The Art of Gretel Lusky
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Popular artist Gretel Lusky welcomes readers into her fantastical world in this high-quality art book.

This is an artist who loves fantasy and all things magical: fairies, mermaids, mythical creatures, knights, and more. She creates characters that are colorful yet mysterious and places that feel otherworldly, always pretty yet sometimes bordering on unsettling. Gretel fans will love delving into the story of her creative early years, discovering why she chose art as a career, and following her development timeline. She presents two exclusive galleries of art - one with a fantasy focus, based around maritime creatures and witches, and another that celebrates the beauty of sketchbooking.

The artist has written chapters on her creative process, which aspiring and established artists will equally enjoy, and created a section on "Embracing The Mess," discussing the techniques of letting go of perfectionism, listening to your body, and staying motivated as an artist. With tools and materials covered in detail too, plus in-depth tutorials for readers to follow along with, this Art Of title is packed with incredible insight and joyous art, appealing to existing fans of Gretel as well as newcomers to her work.

Wayfinder: The Art of Gretel Lusky

Gretel Lusky, Gretel Lusky, 3dtotal Publishing

Wayfinder: The Art of Gretel Lusky

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