Text:   Zeichner: Loish

The Art of Loish: A Look Behind the Scenes

The Art of Loish: A Look Behind the Scenes
The Art of Loish: A Look Behind the Scenes
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Lois van Baarle is a freelance animator/illustrator from the Netherlands who graduated in 2009 from the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht. Since then, her work has become very popular across the internet, with her Facebook followers closing in on one million and her Twitter account watched by over nineteen thousand eager eyes. The Art of Loish is her first "art of" book, and will examine her inspirations while showcasing some of her early work. Following this, the reader will learn how she developed her very distinctive style and discover advice as she discusses her working methods, offering tips on a variety of techniques that she utilizes in her art every day! The additional exclusive content of this book makes it a must-have for any lover of Loish's work!

The Art of Loish: A Look Behind the Scenes

Loish, Loish, 3dtotal Publishing

The Art of Loish: A Look Behind the Scenes

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