Text:   Zeichner: Djamila Knopf

Luminescence: Shedding Light on the creative Process with Djamila Knopf

Luminescence: Shedding Light on the creative Process with Djamila Knopf
Luminescence: Shedding Light on the creative Process with Djamila Knopf

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This is German-born illustrator Djamila Knopf's second art book published with 3dtotal, and we are excited to step back into the strange yet familiar world of her art, where fantasy blends with reality.

In Luminescence, Djamila invites readers to enter beautiful, tranquil scenes inspired by her love of Japanese animation and nature. On creating this companion to her first book, Komorebi, Djamila aims to demystify the creative process, breaking it down into smaller parts and making it accessible to artists of all abilities. By sharing her experiences, she helps readers gain a deeper understanding of who they are as an artist, and how to better understand their own creative workflow.

Readers will discover multiple tutorials and studies, as well as brand-new exclusive artwork, and cover topics such as finding your artistic voice and magic realism. This latest book from Djamila is a wonderful addition for anyone interested in learning about both the intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of art, helping them to become more intuitive creators.

Luminescence: Shedding Light on the creative Process with Djamila Knopf

Djamila Knopf, Djamila Knopf, 3dtotal Publishing

Luminescence: Shedding Light on the creative Process with Djamila Knopf

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