Text:   Zeichner: Frank Frazetta

Frank Frazetta: An Artists' Tribute

Frank Frazetta: An Artists' Tribute
Frank Frazetta: An Artists' Tribute
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A selection of incredible artists pay tribute to Frank Frazetta by creating new art inspired by his work, accompanied by in-depth interviews with members of the Frazetta family.

Frank Frazetta is often referred to as the "Godfather of Fantasy Art" and one of the most renowned illustrators of the 20th century. His epic ink and pencil drawings, oil paintings, and watercolor illustrations have defined the aesthetics and look of fantasy and science-fiction for decades. In this high-quality book, you can discover more about the man behind the art through in-depth interviews with members of the Frazetta family.

You'll also discover newly created pieces inspired by Frank Frazetta's work and style, as a selection of incredible artists from around the world pay tribute, providing in-depth tutorials on their process along the way. This is an invaluable tool for aspiring fantasy artists and an unmissable tome for Frazetta fans.

Frank Frazetta: An Artists' Tribute

Sara Frazetta, Frank Frazetta, 3dtotal Publishing

Frank Frazetta: An Artists' Tribute

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